Mind CiTi

Mind CiTi

Mind CiTiMind CiTi

When we recount our past experiences, we often describe them based on our recollection. However, these memories are susceptible to the distortions of memory recall. Furthermore, certain events may be completely absent from our recollection. Occasionally, if we do possess vivid and detailed memories, we narrate our stories from a linear perspective, focusing solely on the element of time. We talk about meeting someone, engaging in a conversation, receiving something from another person, and encountering someone else who evoked certain emotions. These stories construct a narrative of our life's journey.

But what if we broaden our understanding of the word "journey" and take it literally? Imagine traversing through the landscape of our minds, moving from one point to another, ascending and descending like navigating different floors. By incorporating the dimensions of space and height, we can transform our stories into multi-dimensional narratives. For instance, we could describe conversing with someone on the 7th floor, then transitioning from the south side of a building to the north, where we encountered another person who bestowed something upon us. Finally, as we descended to the 9th floor, we interacted with a third individual who elicited profound emotions within us. This visualization allows us to perceive the mind as a spatial entity.

This is where the Mind Gem and Mind CiTi come into play. They enable us to tell our stories in a visual and immersive way, incorporating dimensions of space and height. By embracing this expanded understanding of storytelling, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of our life's journey.


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